Tooth Bar Inserts

Brass or stainless tooth bars offer increased allowable profile loading options over the standard ATN® inserts during loading. The bolted profile is support by a bar that spans across the entire tooth of the timing belt thereby sandwiching the belts’ steel cords between the insert and the profile. The metal tooth connection technology may be useful in instances where the standard solutions are not strong enough, particularly for loading in the normal direction (perpendicular to the belt back surface.)

brass and steel tooth bar inserts
tooth bar insert with profile
paired tooth bar inserts for wide belts
tooth bar cavity
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Tooth Bar Inserts

Brass or stainless tooth bars offer increased allowable profile loading options over the standard ATN® inserts during loading. The bolted profile is support by a bar that spans across the entire tooth of the timing belt thereby sandwiching the belts’ steel cords between the insert and the profile. The metal tooth connection technology may be useful in instances where the standard solutions are not strong enough, particularly for loading in the normal direction (perpendicular to the belt back surface.)

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Características principales del producto


  • Increased profile loading possible
  • Wider product range
  • Can be used with truly endless belts
  • Can be used with more belt materials

Pitch and Width Availability

  • 50mm Belt Width: ATN10, ATN12.7, ATN20, AT10, AT10
  • 75mm Belt Width: ATN10, ATN12.7, ATN20, AT10, AT10
  • 100mm Belt Width: ATN10, ATN12.7, ATN20, AT10, AT10
  • 150mm Belt Width: AT10, AT10

Resumen del producto

Especificaciones del producto

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Longitud mínima de la correa


Anchura máxima (mm)

Ancho B (mm)

Longitud L (mm)

Espesor intermedio (mm)


Espesores estándar (mm)

Longitud mínima mm


Coeficiente de fricción

# Número de dientes


Rango de temperatura

Longitud máxima

Tolerancia del espesor total (correa dentada + revestimiento)

Diámetro mínimo de la polea por espesor del soporte (mm)

Diámetro del círculo de paso (mm)

Diámetro exterior dK (mm)

d - diámetro del agujero (mm)

M - Anchura entre agujeros (mm)

m - Agujero CTC a lo ancho (mm)(mm)

a - Agujero CTC Lenthwise (mm)

a1- Borde de la abrazadera al centro del agujero (mm)(mm)

c - Distancia entre agujeros CTC (mm)

h - Base de la abrazadera a la parte superior del diente (mm)

H - Espesor de la abrazadera (mm)

Tensión Miembro

Ancho de la cara B (mm)


Longitudes de stock
Anchura sobre el cubo BN (mm)

# Número de bridas

Diámetro del cubo dN / Profundidad del cubo LN(mm)

Diámetro del piloto dV (mm)

Correa dentada compatible (mm)

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